🔍 What is a CLUE Report?

C.L.U.E. (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) is a claims history database generated by LexisNexis enabling insurance companies to access consumer claims information when they are underwriting or rating an insurance policy. The report generally contains up to seven years of personal-auto claims history. Only insurance providers can run a CLUE report.

C.L.U.E. reports are used to underwrite and rate new policies. The report includes policy information such as name, date of birth, policy number, claim information (such as date of loss, type of loss, and amounts paid), and a description of the vehicle covered. The C.L.U.E. report will include the driver's license number and vehicle information, such as the vehicle identification number (VIN) and the vehicle's year, make and model. 

An MVR report (sourced from State DMV records) focuses on a driver's personal driving history, including traffic violations, accidents, and license suspensions, while a C.L.U.E. report (sourced from LexisNexis records) details the insurance claims filed on a specific vehicle over a period of time. C.L.U.E. focuses on vehicle claims history rather than the driver.

Insurance Companies will generally use a CLUE Report and an MVR Report to underwrite a policy.

👉 MVR reports and C.L.U.E reports may not show the same information (ie. accidents) due to how the records are reported by each source.

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