⏱️ QuickAPP Order

Recommended for Automated Releases and Order Processing.
▪️ Select ORDER - NEW ORDER 

▪️ Select required Searches and click QUICKAPP

▪️ Enter applicant name and email address and/or mobile number - click SEND

If you have multiple drivers to check click SEND and NEXT .

👉 Note: This will automatically email the drivers a secure link to enter their own information and e-sign a release - once submitted the searches will be automatically processed and the release will be attached to the search order.

👉 You can manage PENDING QuickAPPs by selecting the Order - Applicant Pending tab.

👉 If you receive a message that the QuickAPP could not be processed then select the Order - Applicant Ready tab and click on the Applicant to determine the issue. In addition you can select the checkbox next to the applicant name then click the SUBMIT QUICKAPP button.

💡You can send a BATCH of QuickAPPs by downloading the batch order spreadsheet on your account dashboard and entering the Applicants First and Last Name and email address. Upload the batch spreadsheet via the UPLOAD Link on your account dashboard.

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